Maryse Casol art studio, August 7, 2021 photoshoot with Denis Boisvert

Maryse Casol


August 7, 2021, Sainte-Dorothée, Québec, Canada

Rosina Bucci, Antonio Diverdis and Maryse Casol looking at the painting Enlassement, Sofitel Montreal, January 2018

Welcome to the wonderful world of Maryse Casol! One of the greatest artists of the XXth and XXIst century, and famous for giving you summer all year around, Maryse Casol liberates you in a constant Joie de Vivre, with vibrant colours, exotic landscapes, blazing still lives and neo-abstract paintings, inspired by her numerous journeys around the world.

Maryse Casol, Sofitel Montreal, January 2018

Photo : Denis Boisvert

From the powerful Atlantic sea, to the generous sun of the Mediterranean, high mountains of the Pyrenees and the Alps, art capitals of Paris, Venice and Rome, great United States of America, fresh air of Canada, happy music from South America, exotic cuisine of the Caribbean, shining stars at night in the desert of Africa, the mystic Middle East, to the futuristic Asia: Maryse Casol with her artworks, will transport you to all these amazing destinations of our universe!

Maryse Casol, Oasis de Lumière

Photo : Daniel Charpentier

Valentina Casol, 3 years old, looking at her grand mother's painting, asks: "Mamie, pourquoi tu fais ça?", and Mamie replied "Parce que je suis peintre et j'adore la couleur ma chérie!":

Maryse Casol

May 2016

Maryse Casol, January 2018

Photo : Dania Lemieux

On a second, and deeper level, experience freedom with Maryse Casol by discovering the theory of fine arts, conjugated with concepts of philosophy such as life, wisdom and transcendence.

Maryse Casol, Sofitel Montreal, January 2018

Enjoy pure spaces, simplicity of the form, greatness of the colour, and iconography, offering you moments of joy and peace, perfect to create modernity and a warm boldness, in your home, office, boutique, hotel, restaurant, café, bank, yacht or museum!

Mario Casol and his daughter Maryse, France, 1958

Born in Libourne, France in 1957, Maryse Casol started the arts at the age of 2, when her Italian father, Mario, bought her, her first brushes, paper, colours and natural clay to create sculptures.


Peinture Maryse Casol Instant d'Été x Iegor
Peinture Maryse Casol Brise d'Été x Iegor

Maryse Casol x Iegor

For sale from May 1-23, 2024

On Thursday May 23, 2024, the Maryse Casol 2004 paintings, Instant d'Été and Brise d'Été were purchased at the Iegor Auction House in Montreal, Canada! Thank you to the new collector!

Julie Ashour and Mickael Casol, launch of the Casol wish cards at Jean Coutu in Griffintown : 1224 Notre-Dame Ouest street, Montreal, Canada, March 20, 2024

Jean Coutu

March 20, 2024

Need to say thank you to someone special or to decorate your home? Thank you Julie Ashour for taking our Casol wish cards at Jean Coutu in Griffintown : 1224 Notre-Dame West street, Montreal, Canada!

Maryse Casol, peinture Essence Poétique, Passion, 2020

Maryse Casol x Iegor Auction House

February 9 - Thursday April 4, 2024 - 2pm

Exhibited from February 9, on Thursday April 4, 2024 at 2pm, the painting Essence Poétique, Passion by artist Maryse Casol was sold to a private collector at the Iegor auction house located near the Museum of Fine Arts, at 1456 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, in Montreal, Canada in their Art, Jewelry and Antiques Sale!

Maryse Casol painting Corolle de Lumière, 2012

Photoshoot dans l'Atelier de Maryse Casol

Saturday August 7, 2021

Photoshoot of Maryse Casol never been seen before paintings with Denis Boisvert in the Casol studio of Sainte-Dorothée, Québec, Canada

Mamie Maryse Casol et Valentina Casol, Decembre, 2015 - Montreal, Canada

Mamie Maryse avec Valentina, Noël 2015.
Photo : Mickaël Casol.

Propos sur Mon Oeuvre

"Mes oeuvres sont l'écho de mon âme.

Les couleurs et les formes, par leur symbolique, expriment le sublime de mon âme et ma poésie intérieure. La puissance expressive se crée par l'interaction des formes et des couleurs.

Des formes et des couleurs qui expriment le suprasensible: l'infini, la métaphysique, le sentiment moral, la paix méditative. Le Vrai se trouve dans les formes simples et épurées.

La beauté de l'Âme dans son Absolu, ne peut que s'exprimer par des couleurs et des formes abstraites épurées. La métaphysique du peintre est son exaltation. Cette exaltation doit se traduire par des formes informes.

Le sublime se trouve dans la vérité métaphysique du peintre. Sans mysticité, aucune impulsion créatrice vraie ne peut jaillir.

La Divinité se cache dans l'Âme. Elle est le "Sod", le secret, et donc par conséquence l'ineffable. Elle est la source la plus profonde de l'impulsion créatrice, et ne peut donc être définie par des mots. C'est la "Shekhina", la Lumière supraterrestre qui s'exprime à travers le peintre et son oeuvre.

Mon oeuvre dévoile une musicalité mystique destinée à émouvoir et plonger le spectateur dans une immersion méditative de paix et bien-être intérieur, aux confins du rêve et de l'ataraxie.

Des oeuvres imprégnées de poésie et lumière d'où jaillit une puissance expressive dévoilant le sublime et la sensibilité d'une nature intérieure ou passion et quête de transcendance spirituelle s'unissent en écho à la musique céleste."

Maryse Casol

26 Avril 2015

Mickael and Valentina Casol, Andy Warhol exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, January 2015

Photo : Noriko Emen-Casol

Andy Warhol Exhibition, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

January 25, 2015

In January 2015, Mickaël, Noriko and their daughter Valentina Casol visited the Andy Warhol exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Canada.

Maryse Casol in Elle Spain Magazine, August, 2014


Oil on canvas painting, Enlacement by Maryse Casol, is featured in the August 2014 Elle Spain Magazine edition, thank you Editor in Chief Benedetta Poletti and Shahed Kavousi, director of the Kasser Rassu art gallery in Marbella.

Maryse and Valentina Casol, Peter Doig, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, April 2014

Peter Doig at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

In April 2014, Maryse Casol and her family visited the Peter Doig art exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Canada.

Maryse Casol, Google Open Gallery, 2013

Google Open Gallery

Paris - December 10, 2013 - Google launches the Google Open Gallery, a new media technology in collaboration with artist Maryse Casol.

Kasser Rassu Art Gallery Marbella

In August 2013, Exaltation by Maryse Casol was printed and exhibited in front of the Kasser Rassu gallery in Marbella, Spain, during the Vernissage of famous artist and Hollywood actor Jordi Mollà, where the international jetset attended! Thank you again to Mrs. Shahed Kavousi, gallery director and to Sheikh Ahmed Ashmawi, owner of the gallery from Saudi Arabia.

Casol, sponsor of Art Monaco 2011

Art Monaco 2011

In 2011, Casol again had the honour to be one of the sponsors of the Art Monaco fair held on the beautiful Côte d'Azur at the Grimaldi Forum for the second year from March 31 to April 3rd.

Casol, sponsor of Art Monaco 2010

Art Monaco 2010

In 2010, Casol had the honour to be one of the sponsors of the Art Monaco fair held at the Grimaldi Forum from April 29th to May 2nd.

Maryse Casol Women Silk Scarves Launch Party, 2009

Carré Casol Launch Party

May 22, 2009

Maryse Casol launched her new collection of women silk scarves at the Time Supper Club in Montreal, Canada, with a photoshoot and film making of the campaign Je Suis Une Fauve, a fashion show of the Carré Casol, a Samba dance extravaganza, and party with house music and R&B, vodka and chocolate cake!

Carré Casol

Carré Casol

2008, Casol launches a square silk scarf collection made in Lyon, France by Bianchini-Férier, also known as Brochier Soieries, the silk leading firm around the world since 1890. Bianchini were the first ones to work with famous artists such as Dufy, Picasso and Klimt on silk scarf collections. Soon after the launch, the Carré Casol was offered for sale for you at the new boutique on, and exhibited at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts boutique in August, 2008. Thank you to your support, le Carré Casol has been bought worldwide, from Los Angeles to Tokyo!

Mickael and Noriko Casol, New York City art fairs and auction houses, 2008

To promote the scarves, Mickael Casol, and his soon to be wife Noriko Emen traveled to New York City to have interviews with media, and to the different art fairs of the moment, but also to Paris and Monaco to meet with buyers, and to the UAE for meetings in Abu Dhabi, and to host a conference at the Esmod French Fashion University in Dubai.

Video : Jennifer Daoust


2007 : Mickaël Casol, son and art dealer of Maryse Casol, after graduating from the HEC Montreal business school in May, going to France with Desjardins to visit the banks in Paris and Strasbourg, visit his family and explore the French Riviera in the summer, and go for a weekend in a Range Rover to New York City with his friends in September, organized with his fiancée Noriko, a Maryse Casol art exhibition at the Ristorante Buonanotte in Montreal, Canada, inviting the elite of the city, such as Gary and Grace Oberman, Michael and Yolanda Page, lawyer Pierre Saint-Aubin of BCF, athlete Nordine Taleb and international model Daniel Bernard, on December 4, 2007.

Tristar Gym Champions, 2006


March 2006, her son and art dealer, Mickaël Casol, went to Las Vegas to support his friend David Loiseau, fighting in the main event at UFC 58 vs Rich Franklin. During the day, Mickaël walked all the strip, casino by casino, to find an art gallery for his mother Maryse Casol. Every gallery owner said no, but as you learn in martial arts, never give up until you succeed.

In February 2006, Maryse Casol is part of a group exhibition at the HEC Montreal business university, and later in May had a solo show during a golf tournement, also organized by HEC in Canada.

That same year in Montreal, in the fall of 2006, a Maryse Casol art exhibition was organized in the lobby of the 1100 René-Lévesque Ouest, where a woman of the BCF law firm won the painting Parfum de Toscane during a draw to thank the people of the Oxford Building.

Maryse Casol, Été Indien, 2003


In 2004, the son of Maryse Casol, Mickaël Casol, while still in his first year of business school at HEC Montreal, decided to organize an exhibition in Côte des Neiges near the University in a building owned by his friend Mr. Sam Benatar, president of Sidev.

Video : Arte Mondo

The exhibition was a success, with all the community being present at the event, including friends and family, but also top business executives, lawyers, doctors, athletes, professors and the National TV.

Maryse Casol art book, 2003

1998 - 2003

Maryse Casol, after completing her studies in arts in December of 2003 at l'Académie des Arts et Beaux-Arts de Varennes, published her first art book CASOL for $12,000, built a collection of over 30 paintings, and was part of 3 group exhibitions at the Novotel Hotel, Marriott Chateau Champlain Hotel and the Mount Stephen Club.

1998, with a passion for arts, and the desire to express her emotions, Maryse Casol started to study at l'Académie des Arts et Beaux Arts de Varennes in Quebec, Canada with professor Sam Aberg, international art critic and art historian. The practice of Maryse Casol included the rhetoric of the compositional aesthetics of art, both classical and modern, with art history, iconographical, semiotic and philosophical concepts. She also took courses in comparative art criticism covering the various movements in painting. The pleasure Maryse Casol had in composing and creating colours, gave her a focus on the fauvist painters, such as Matisse, Vlaminck and Derain but also the other modern artists such as Picasso, Modigliani, Kees van Dongen and Chagall.

Driven by her love for philosophy and a constant desire for spiritual and mystic transcendence, Maryse Casol also studied at that time, the Scriptures of the Torah, and the thoughts of famous philosophers such as Aristotle, Epictetus, Maimonides and Spinoza.

Famille Casol, Espagne 1986

1980s - 1990s

During the 1980s and 1990s, era when the world lived a recession in the USA, saw the wall of Berlin collapse, and the end of a Millenium, Maryse Casol had a successful career in the business of voyages, starting as a reservation agent for Meliá Tours, to general manager of Utmar Tours, all the way to sales director for Accor Hotels which included the Sofitel, Novotel and Mercure brands.

Maryse Casol, Isla Margarita, Venezuela, 1993

Maryse Casol, Isla Margarita, Venezuela, Caribbean Sea, 1993

During those years, Maryse Casol had the privilege for her work to explore many seas and continents, to make new friends and to learn about their cultures and hospitality, in destinations that included the USA, Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Turkey, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cuba, St-Martin, Venezuela and Brazil. You can discover in the artworks of Maryse Casol, the incredible and magnificent landscapes of these countries, the nature, and the joy of living of their people.


In 1992, Maryse Casol was director of Utmar Tours, the number 1 agency in Canada for voyages to Morocco! In the photo on the right: Maryse Casol and Najat Alaoui in Montreal, product launch event at La Menara restaurant where 150 travel agents were invited with the aim of introducing Morocco to Canadians, with Royal Air Maroc and luxury hotels Salam belonging to the respected businessman Mr. Mohamed Belghmi.

Maryse Casol, Lunch at the Palais Salam Taroudant in Morocco in 1992

Lunch at the Palais Salam Taroudant in Morocco in 1992: study trip to introduce the destination to around twenty travel agents from Canada when Maryse Casol was director at Utmar Tours.

That same year in 1992, Mr. Fred, the sales director of Royal Jordanian, invites Maryse Casol and only 10 other Canadian and American decision makers to Jordan in first class, to offer the destination to their clients.


In 1977, after graduating from the University of Bordeaux in Literature & Philosophy, Maryse Casol left France to adventure in the Americas, in Montreal, Canada.

Maryse Casol at the age of 15 years old, with her cousin Michel Moucheboeuf in Miami, USA, July 1973


Maryse Casol with her cousin Michel Moucheboeuf in Miami, July 1973

Maryse Casol, La Cantine, 1965


Maryse Casol, her sister Françoise and their friends at La Cantine de l'école in France in 1965!

Mario & Edith Casol, parents of Maryse, during their honeymoon at the Bassin d'Arcachon, Atlantic Ocean, France, 1954.


Mario & Edith Casol, parents of Maryse, during their honeymoon at the Bassin d'Arcachon, Atlantic Ocean, France, 1954.

Maryse Casol painting

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