Fado Romantique

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• Artist : Maryse Casol
• Sennelier Oil on Cotton Canvas
• Canvas : Bambino Gianfrancesco
• 40" x 32" - 102 cm x 81 cm
• Signed Casol at the bottom right
• 2007
• Made in Canada
• Studio photo of the artwork : Daniel Charpentier
• Photos of the Sofitel art exhibition : Denis Boisvert
• Photos of the Time Supper Club event : Jonathan Abenhaim
• Studio photos of the Casol silk scarf : Noriko Emen and Mickaël Casol
• Photos of the Buonanotte art exhibition : Daniel Bernard and Mickaël Casol

Your Painting

Make your home or office legendary, buy now your Maryse Casol painting Fado Romantique!

"J'adore la musique Portugaise du Fado, belle et romantique!" : Maryse Casol

Painted by Maryse Casol in 2007, using Sennelier oil made in Paris, France at 3 Quai Voltaire facing the Louvre (painting of choice by the greatest artists since 1887, such as Degas, Cézanne and Picasso) , on a custom cotton canvas, mounted on a frame in linden wood made by Bambino Gianfrancesco, owner of Les Cadres et Moulures Majestic, one of the best Italian artisans in the world.

Graduate from the Istituto Tecnico Settore Tecnologico school in Campobasso, Mr. Bambino was also a Track and Field Champion in Europe in the 1960s before coming to Canada!

"Linden wood is the best and most solid, ordinary canvases are usually mounted on pine (lighter wood with knots, that deforms over time due to changing climatic conditions)" : Maryse Casol.

The Voyage

From January 15 to March 1st, 2018, the painting Fado Romantique was exhibited in the lobby of the Sofitel Hotel Montreal, part of the Maryse Casol Enchanted Forest art exhibition, highlighting the paintings of the artist in time : a symphony of colours, inspiring to voyage, and to the philosophy! The Casol family had the honour to receive the presence of Rosina Bucci and Antonio Diverdis, both artists and professionals in the cinema and music industry. Thank you also to our friend Marc Pichot, director of the hotel, and to all the Sofitel family for your great service and for this wonderful opportunity!

In November 2013, the Google office in Paris contacted Maryse Casol to invite her to be part of their new Google Open Gallery, an online destination, where art fans can discover and see the works by famous artists with a new powerful zoom technology. A month later, the Fado Romantique painting by Maryse Casol was featured at the Google Open Gallery, now known as the Google Arts and Culture Institute.

On May 22, 2009, your Fado Romantique silk scarf is part of the launch party of the Casol silk scarves at the famous Time Supper Club in Montreal, Canada, with a photoshoot and film making of the campaign Je Suis Une Fauve, a fashion show of the Carré Casol, a Samba dance extravaganza, and party with house music and R&B, vodka and chocolate cake!

In February 2008, Fado Romantique is printed, part of the Casol square silk scarf collection made in Lyon, France by Bianchini-Férier, also known as Brochier Soieries, the silk leading firm around the world since 1890. Bianchini were the first ones to work with famous artists such as Dufy, Picasso and Klimt on silk scarf collections. Soon after the launch, the Carré Casol was offered for sale for you at the new boutique on marysecasol.com, and exhibited at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts boutique in August, 2008. Thank you to your support, le Carré Casol has been bought worldwide, from Los Angeles to Tokyo!

To promote the scarves, Mickael Casol, and his soon to be wife Noriko Emen, then traveled to New York City in March to have interviews with the media, and to the different art events of the moment (The Armory Show, Christies, Sothebys, Phillips), but also to Paris and Monaco to meet with buyers, and to the UAE for meetings in Abu Dhabi, and to host a conference at the Esmod French Fashion University in Dubai.

Mickaël Casol, son and art dealer of Maryse Casol, after graduating from the HEC Montreal business school in May, going to France with Desjardins to visit the banks in Paris and Strasbourg, visit his family and explore the French Riviera in the summer, and go for a weekend in a Range Rover to New York City with his friends in September, organized with his fiancée Noriko Emen, a Maryse Casol art exhibition at the Ristorante Buonanotte in Montreal, Canada, inviting the elite of the city, such as Gary and Grace Oberman, Michael and Yolanda Page, lawyer Pierre Saint-Aubin of BCF, athlete Nordine Taleb and international model Daniel Bernard, on December 4, 2007.

Your Fado Romantique painting was part of that 7 works exhibition, where the Maryse Casol guests could also enjoy the paintings Rêveries, Melodia Gitana, Violon Éternel, Cerisiers en Fleurs, Roses et Lys and Murmure de Cithare.

In 2007, Maryse Casol did 2 other magnificent paintings for you to own: Musique des Sphères and Roses et Lys.


  • Maryse Casol, Montreal, Canada.


  • The Maryse Casol Enchanted Forest, Hotel Sofitel Montreal, Canada, January 15 to March 1st, 2018.
  • Ristorante Buonanotte, Montreal, Canada, December, 2007.
  • Maryse Casol, 2007 until today.


  • Casol silk scarf, Made in Lyon, France, sold on MaryseCasol.com and shipped worldwide. Since 2008.
  • Google.com/opengallery , Paris, France. From December 2013 to 2014.
  • Maryse Casol, Je Suis Une Fauve Film by Jennifer Daoust, 2009.
  • Maryse Casol, paintings and silk scarves catalogue. Montreal, Canada. 2008.
  • Nicolette and the City blog, New York, USA, March 2008.
  • Maryse Casol, Buonanotte Art Film by Jennifer Daoust, 2007.
  • MaryseCasol.com, since 2007.

Tel : +1.514.924.2553

Email: art@marysecasol.com

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Casol women silk scarf
Casol women silk scarf

Maryse Casol art exhibition, Sofitel Montreal, 2018

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